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What is the difference between Special Olympics and Paralympics?
Unlike the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the World Games are not top-level or competitive events. All participants will be successful and have a real chance of winning a medal. There is no single winner in any sport.
How can we promote the coexistence of people with and without disabilities?
The main aim of the World Winter Games 2029 (WWG 2029) is to bring the worlds of people with and without disabilities closer together and enable them to live together – even beyond sport.
But where do we stand today in Switzerland with this coexistence and what specific points should we address as part of the preparations for this wonderful sporting event?
On behalf of the WWG 2029 candidacy association, a basic study was carried out to investigate how the worlds of sport, living and work could be brought closer together.
To this end, existing studies, statistical data and legal bases were compiled and supplemented by interviews with people with and without disabilities.
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) served as a guideline.
This resulted in a study and a white paper.
The study summarizes where we stand today with regard to the implementation of the UN CRPD.
The white paper outlines in four overarching recommendations and eight specific proposals what can and should be achieved in the coming years up to the WWG 2029 – if we work together.
You can download the study and the white paper here.
The Beobachter also published a report on this topic on 3.12.2022 prepared by Daniel Benz, Birthe Homann and Lea Oetiker: “Equal rights – unconditionally and in all situations. Switzerland systematically excludes and hides people with disabilities. They will no longer put up with it.”